December 6, 2021

Best Toys for Rabbits: DIY Ideas

Do you want to know which enrichment toys for rabbits are the best? Do you have a bunny at home that needs something to play with? Rabbit toys and bunny house toys are the answer! Bunnies love playing, so it's important to provide them with enrichment items. We will tell you about different toys ideas like dig boxes, hay mazes, tunnels, balls and more.

How do I keep my rabbit entertained?

What do rabbits play with? Rabbits are intelligent and social animals and noting is worse than a bored bunny. They need enrichment and physical exercise activities to keep them happy and healthy, just like us! In this blog post, we will look at some of the ways you can provide enrichment for your bunnies, as well as a few toys ideas for a rabbit room that may be good for them too.

Carboard Box

A cardboard box is the most popular among other good rabbit toys. It is important to make sure that you get the right size of the box, so it doesn't pose any risks. A good idea would be to place some hay inside and let them chew at their comfort! Cardboard boxes are great because they provide variety in terms of materials, textures and shapes as well as an excellent source of fibre that bunnies love chewing on. So if you want to keep your electrical cords safe, provide your small fluffy friend some chew toys instead. Bunny also enjoys jumping into empty cardboard boxes or having one end open with a few inches high walls, perfect after mealtime! Try putting the whole thing up against a wall but not too close where there might still be a chance they easily jump out unexpectedly etc., keep the walls low enough for your bunny to get in and out easily.

Hay Maze

Rabbits love food so a hay maze is a great way of providing enrichment, while also feeding them at the same time with timothy hay! It's important that you don't leave this toy all day, as it can cause obesity among other health problems if not used correctly. The idea behind this toy is quite simple but something bunnies seem to find fun anyway - put some hay on one side or add some pellets around the different corners or sides of your box/maze. Your bunny will have hours of fun trying to reach their meal!

Cardboard tubes

Cardboard tubes are a great toy for bunnies because they provide mental stimulation. They can be chewed, thrown around in an open space or used with another object like large rubber balls. Just remember not to use printed cardboard ones if you don't want your pet chewing on ink and bits of paper! This is why plain white computer printer cardboard boxes are best - bunny safe. Alternatively, lengths of twine or rope can also be found at most craft stores which bunnies love too! One word of advice though: always supervise your pets when playing with any new items. Ensure playtime is fun but safe.


Ropes can be an excellent choice as pet rabbits' toys. These pets tend to destroy their cages, so they need many chew and playthings. Ropes can provide bunnies with entertainment for a long time since rabbits always want something new in their lives.

Our fluffy best friends usually like chewing ropes due to the fact that these items are very soft comparing for example with untreated wood, so rabbits' teeth are not damaged.

Ropes can also be used as a maze for rabbits because rabbits love to run through mazes and ropes aren't an exception. You need only to tie some knots on each end of the rope in order to form a perfect maze for rabbits. Rope toys will keep rabbits occupied and entertained.

You can also make a small rope ladder for rabbits to climb on it, which is an excellent exercise not only for rabbits but also for their owners since they need to hold the ropes all day long. The more you hold them – the stronger your arms will get! It's important to provide rabbits with lots of entertainment because domestic rabbits have a small attention span, so toys are important.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, ropes as rabbits' toys can provide rabbits with something new and different from their usual food or other playthings they usually chew on every day. Ropes also serve as perfect foraging baskets. Rabbits love finding treats hidden in tunnels or ropes that are inside their cages.

Ropes for rabbits can be bought in any pet store rabbit toys section, but if you want to make one yourself, here is a simple guide with detailed instructions on how to do it:

  • Get your hands on some cotton rope (harder than fabric ones) and cut the desired length depending of the size of your rabbits.
  • Tie a knot at one end of the rope and make it tight enough so rabbits can't chew through it. If you want to be safe, you should also put some tape around the knotted part of the rope for extra protection from rabbits' teeth that may damage ropes too much.
  • Cut or burn off any loose ends to ensure rabbits' safety.
  • Finally, attach some treats inside the rope or put it somewhere where rabbits love playing and running through mazes!

Paper Towels

Rabbit owners know how much rabbits love to play with paper towels, paper bags, shredded paper and toilet paper rolls. Not only they can be the best toy for a rabbit, but also help you out during bunny's potty training process! Here is what you need to do:

  • Get some clean paper towel rolls or toilet paper and cut them into small pieces that are big enough not cause any harm to rabbits' teeth or intestinal tract. A shredded newspaper is also a good thing to use. You should also make sure there aren't any sharp edges on the ends of your cuts – just use scissors if needed before giving it to bunnies.
  • Place these tiny bits of shredded paper in a box where your rabbits usually spend their time (especially at night) so will have something new to do instead of chewing on some other things in the cage.
  • Every time you find your rabbits playing with paper bags, don't stop them! Let bunnies have great play time because this is a good way to teach them how exactly they should behave during potty training process and that their toileting area must be clean at all times.

Digging Box

As one of the good rabbit toys ideas, the digging box is an excelent choice. Not only will it help them to burn off extra energy, but also provide bunnies with entertainment!

Find a digging box that has enough space in order to make sure your rabbit won't get stuck inside or hurt by any sharp objects you may put into the cage.

  1. Put some toys where your rabbits are interested most (e.g., shredded paper) so they can have something new and interesting instead of chewing on their old boring items every day.
  2. Every time you find your pet playing with paper towel pieces, leave him/her alone because this means he/she likes what's in his/her digging box! You should avoid taking anything out until your rabbit gets bored with it or stops playing.
  3. Make sure you place the digging box where your bunny will be able to get inside and out of his/her own free will (e.g., next to the food bowl).

Wooden Sticks

Wooden chew toys are perfect for bunnies because unlike other materials that may cause intestinal blockages if swallowed by an animal, wooden items are safe because they can only be chewed on but not digested. Wooden sticks also make great natural toothbrush for rabbits' teeth as well as provide hours upon hours of playful time chewing entertainment every day!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are plastic baby toys a good idea as bunny toys?

Some plastic toys are made to be very durable and safe for bunny, but it's best if you can find natural plastic items which are bunny proofing. Wood is also a great choice because even though bunnies love chewing on wood, they don't eat it!.

What kind of cat toys rabbits like best?

Rabbits love playing with mice, cat wands or anything else they think is interesting enough! They enjoy running after interactive targets just as cats do. However, if the toy has an automatic moving part then don't leave it unattended because bunnies may chew through wires and break other parts inside the toy. The safest choice would be using only stationary cat toys that don't move on their own.

Is it safe to play with parrot toys?

Parrot is different from bunny so parrot toys are not the best choice for bunnies, but you can still use some of them! Just make sure they're made out of natural materials and have no sharp edges which could hurt your bunny's delicate skin or intestinal tract. You should also avoid using any type of string attached to the parrot toy because this may cause injury if left unattended without supervision.

Is sand good for bunnies?

No! In fact, sand is not recommended for rabbits because it doesn't provide any nutritional value and could cause health problems. If your bunny accidentally ingests sand then he/she may experience digestive issues such as intestinal blockage or impaction so you should be very careful when litter training bunnies by using sand in their litter box as well as letting them play with sand.

Do rabbits get bored in their cage?

Rabbits can feel depressed if they sit all day in the cage and don`t have fun. Digging opportunities, brown paper or toy for bunny are the right things that help them to get out of this situation. Also, bunny`s cage should be placed in a high traffic area so they can see what is going on around them and enjoy the activity.

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